Outdoor Cats in Winter
Tips on how to keep your cat safe through the cold season
Cats that are used to going outside should also enjoy this freedom in winter. However, roaming freely at this time of year can be dangerous for them. Early darkness, fog and cold can pose risks to these animals, so cat owners should be well-prepared.
Cats that spend time outside in winter eat more food because of the cold, so it is important to provide them with an increased amount of food to ensure they have enough energy available.1 It is advisable to increase the amount of food as soon as winter sets in. Regular checking your cat’s weight is recommended as they may gain a small layer of fat, but they should not become overweight.
Do not allow water and food to freeze
Depending on the outside temperature, water and wet food can freeze so it is advisable to check both several times a day and replace them if necessary. You can also offer your outdoor cat slightly warmed food and older cats may even prefer warmed food.2 Dry food may also be a good option throughout the winter months. Cats like to drink cool water, so you do not need to heat it.3
The dangers of catching a cold
Depending on the breed, healthy adult cats can cope well with cold temperatures. However, they are not immune to the effects of cold on their health. The animals can catch a cold and are at risk of hypothermia and frostbite, e.g. on the ears, tail and toes.4
Paw and coat care
Icy weather and road salt can damage the pads of your cat's sensitive paws. You can protect your outdoor cat by using a suitable paw balm. In addition, regularly clean the substances from the paws before your cat does this by licking them.
Is your cat long-haired? If so, remove the excess fur on the paws so that no ice lumps form there.
In autumn, cats shed their summer coats. They get a thicker, warmer coat that protects them from the cold. Support your cat's coat change by brushing them regularly as this will help to prevent tangles, where clumps of ice can get stuck
A warm place outdoors
As the temperature drops, the fur gradually thickens, and cats can cope better with the cold. Nevertheless, you should still offer your furry friend a warm, dry and well-insulated shelter outside. This can be a place in the shed or garage equipped with suitable bedding material (straw, self-heating heat mats, thermal mats). Insulate the walls with cardboard or cork so that the room stays warmer and is windproof. Depending on the outside temperature, you should use Mylar for wall and floor paneling as it reflects the animals' body heat.5
When choosing the size of the winter shelter, ensure it is not too large. Adjust it so that the animal's body heat is not lost. The sleeping area should also be slightly elevated, as cats feel safer in higher places.6
It is advisable not to place the water bowl in the hut. The water can easily spill and make the shelter uncomfortable.
Preventing dangers related to cold weather
Fog, snowfall and early darkness pose a great danger to cats, as they can be overlooked by drivers when crossing the road. A reflective cat collar or GPS tracker with a reflective collar can be helpful. However, be aware that animals can injure themselves when wearing a collar as they can get caught on fences and bushes. In the worst-case scenario, they may not be able to free themselves from such a situation. Every owner should carefully weigh up the pros and cons of this and may decide for a quick release collar.
Standing on frozen water is another source of danger during the winter months. Make sure to cover the garden pond if you have one as this will prevent your cat from potentially breaking the thin sheet of ice and falling in.
Another tiresome topic is antifreeze. Make sure that your furry friend does not encounter it. Antifreeze tastes sweet, which is what makes it so attractive to animals. Make sure that neither your cat nor any other animal comes into touch with it.
When clearing paths, also think about those that cats like to walk on. To keep them free of ice and snow, you can use pet-friendly melting products, which are available online.
Installing a cat flap
For unhindered entry and exit, we recommend installing a cat flap. Cats prefer warm temperatures during winter and tend to stay indoors. Nonetheless, your outdoor cat will want to leave their home freely now and then.
Keep vaccinations up to date
Make sure that your cat is sufficiently vaccinated against winter diseases. Cats are prone to respiratory infections in winter when they spend a lot of time indoors.7
Exchange tips with other cat owners
Ask other cat owners if you are not sure whether you have considered all the necessities. Who knows how many exciting and interesting tips your contacts will have for you?
1Serisier S et al. Seasonal Variation in the Voluntary Food Intake of Domesticated Cats (Felis Catus). PLoS ONE. 2014 [accessed 2024 Apr 24];9(4):e96071. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3997493/. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0096071
2Eyre R et al. Aging cats prefer warm food. Journal of Veterinary Behavior. 2022 [accessed 2024 Oct 14];47:86–92. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1558787821001362. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jveb.2021.09.006
3TATLIAĞIZ Z, AKYAZI İ. Investigation of the effect of water temperature on water consumption of cats. Journal of Istanbul Veterinary Sciences. 2023;7:50–54. https://doi.org/10.30704/http-www-jivs-net.1278513
4Caring For Cats In Cold Weather. Medivet.UK. [accessed 2024 Apr 24]. https://www.medivetgroup.com/pet-care/pet-advice/cold-weather-care-for-cats/
5Medical G. Chrome Mylar Hypothermia Blanket and the Benefits to Emergency Care. [accessed 2024 Oct 7]. https://blog.grahammedical.com/blog/chrome-mylar-hypothermia-blanket-and-the-benefits-to-emergency-care
6SavannahS. 4 Reasons Why Cats Love to Jump on Everything. Pet Townsend Veterinary Clinic. 2023 Apr 5 [accessed 2024 Oct 7]. https://pettownsendvet.com/4-reasons-why-cats-love-to-jump-on-everything/
7Choosing the Right Pet Vaccines for Summer and Winter. [accessed 2024 Sep 19]. https://www.animalmedcenter-appleton.com/pet-vaccines-summer-winter/