Report illegal puppy traders 

Are you a victim of the illegal puppy trade?
Anybody can be fooled by illegal puppy traders. If you believe you may have acquired a puppy from an illegal or unscrupulous selleror observed suspicious puppy salesthe good news is you have the power to do something.

Tell us your story by filling out the form on this page. Your report will be confidential, safe, and could contribute to saving lives and preventing further suffering. With your support, we can deepen our research and strengthen our political demands.

Further advice

Demand for puppies has skyrocketed across Europe, and cruel puppy traders are profiting from people like you.

Maybe you saw an advertisement online for the puppy of your dreams, but the puppy became ill soon after purchase? Did the person who sold you the pup lose all contact afterwards? Did their advertisement disappear, and now you have no way of getting in touch? 

Or maybe something just didn’t feel right.  

By completing this online report, you will be contributing to FOUR PAWS’ important work to help animals: 

  • Contribute intelligence that will inform our fully legal investigations
  • Provide critical data that will enable us to demonstrate the need for governments to act to protect dogs
  • Show the impact the illegal trade has on people and families, and the disease risks that arise with poor regulation of the international trade in puppies.

In return, our international team of campaigners and investigators might be able to provide you with advice and support to help you take your case further, if desired. 

We understand how upsetting your experience may have been. Please know you are not alone, and you have the power to help ensure the illegal puppy trade is stopped forever.  

We are grateful for any information you are able to provide. 

More information about our work against illegal puppy traders!

How are you involved?

Where did you buy your puppy, or witness something?

Information on the point-of-sale


When did the incident take place/when did you make your observation?

Information on the puppy

Breed of the dog

Have other dog breeds been offered for sale?

Country of origin of dog according to Pet Passport/vaccination certificate

Health condition of puppy


Evidence is critical for our work. Please send us photos, screenshots to any online advertisements, EU Pet Passport, vaccination certificate or suspicious vehicle number plates (permitted formats are: JPG, PNG, PDF - maximum 2 MB).

Your contact data (for possible queries)

By reporting this case, I agree that FOUR PAWS may contact me (without timely limitation) if there are further questions about the case.

This is our automatic anti-bot-verification.
French bulldogs in a cage

Frequently Asked Questions

About the illegal online puppy trade 


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