Support us with your donation

Without you, our work would be impossible. Your contribution helps to ensure a better life for animals all around the globe. Every donation counts and together, we can change animals lives. 

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bear in the woods


When you join the IMPACT CLUB, you invest in hope for animals in need. Day by day, month by month and year by year you are shaping a better world for them. It is your decision how much you want to give but your impact grows exponentially with time.

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Kaavan Elephant

Support our special missions

FOUR PAWS jumps in to save animals in areas that others dare not go. Our Special Missions are time sensitive and critical. In these cases, we must must secure funds quickly in order to act.

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 Bears Daschi and Leyla at BEAR SANCTUARY Domazhyr

Support our work for Ukraine

We are deeply concerned about the war in Ukraine and are closely monitoring the developments. Our work continues at BEAR SANCTUARY Domazhyr and throughout the country with our Stray Animal Care team.

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Cat on a brick window ledge

Help stray cats in Ukraine

To prevent countless stray cats from suffering in Ukraine, FOUR PAWS' 'Project Kishka' assists local communities to vaccinate, treat, and stabilise stray cat populations. 

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Stray puppy

Stray animals need our help

Millions of stray animals across the world have nobody to turn to. They suffer alone, hungry in the struggle to survive.

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Bile bear looking out of cage

Save abused bears from a lifetime of misery 

In Vietnam and Europe, hundreds of bears live terrible, lonely lives in excruciating pain. Its time to give these bears the freedom they deserve.

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Tiger laying down


 There are more tigers in captivity than in the wild today. The ruthless trade of big cats is thriving, even in Europe. Join our mission to end the cruel abuse of big cats today!

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Dog in a cage

Ending the Dog and Cat Meat Trade in Southeast Asia

Every year, millions of dogs and cats are mercilessly murdered for the dog and cat meat trade in Southeast Asia. Together, with your support, we can make the dog and cat meat trade a thing of the past.

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Broiler chickens

farm animals deserve respect

All too often, farm animals suffer for the sake of profit. FOUR PAWS continues to push for legislative reform on the treatment of factory farmed animals. 

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Orphaned orangutan

Give orphans the chance to live

Made orphans by man, our baby orangutans need skilled and long-term care to one day live a life in the wild.

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Wild horses running

Help protect wild horses

These beautiful wild horses are in danger of brutal capture or being killed. FOUR PAWS protects the 500 wild horses in the Danube Delta. 

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Leave a gift in your WIll

Help protect animals in the future

Leave behind a legacy of kindess, helping to make a better future for animals. Your support for animal welfare will continue by leaving a gift in your Will.

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FOUR PAWS countries where you can donate

Switzerland (FR)
South Africa
United Kingdom
United States
Rescued bear at our sanctuary

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Goose screaming


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man holding a puppy


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Tiger in the grass

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