Posed photo of a dog being abandoned on the side of the road

Pet abandonment

A global animal welfare issue 

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Dumping an animal is illegal and leads to misery, fear and loneliness

Pet abandonment is not something that happens only in faraway countries, but rather it happens everywhere. In big cities of developed countries, in small villages, in rich and in poor areas. No matter where pets are abandoned, the fate of the abandoned dogs and cats is always uncertain.

Cat in Crate

Pet Abandonment – A Global Animal Welfare Issue

Every day around the globe, hundreds of thousands of animals are abandoned by their owners

Dog in a shelter

The Top 9 Reasons Why People Give Up Their Pets

Learn more about why pet owners abandon their animals

Dogs behind bars

The Harmful Consequences Caused by Pet Abandonment

Leaving dogs and cats behind harms the animals, their owners and shelters

Dog Hexi as photo model for abandoned dogs

Do Not Abandon Your Pet!

Helpful tips for pet owners in a difficult situation

Dog with his owner

How to be a responsible pet owner?

Discover our pet guides

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